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Shift handover software

Capture and manage your inventory of fixed assets and technological assets from Android devices.

Optimize your time when taking inventory

Capture and collect on-site information for any type of asset, such as computers, technological equipment, furniture, appliances, office equipment, machinery, spare parts, and all equipment used for field operations.

Control your changes throughout the lifecycle, including inventory reductions and data backups.

Sistema de control de entregas
Gestión de Activos
Control de activos por RFID

Inventory Taking

Inventario RFID oficina

Asset Audit

App control de entregas

Track Deliveries

Prevent serial number typing errors

Avoid data duplication

Provide evidence of asset-by-asset tracking

Real-time online inventory status check

Integrate devices such as RFID scanners or other barcode readers

Inventory software

No more inventory delays

Eliminate outdated methods of capturing asset information, purchases, licenses, and other corporate assets, with cutting-edge technology.

  • Avoid typing errors! Take inventory with your mobile devices using RFID, barcode scanning, or QR code photography.

  • Monitor the inventory taking process in real-time.

  • Segment the information capture by area and asset position using GPS and floor maps.

  • Visualize and consolidate inventory reports through a web interface.

Integrate your inventory with Discovery Asset Management to access Brand / Model / Serial Number, and more, for all your technological assets.

Trabajo del ordenador de oficina
Toma de inventario

RFID Inventory

Find assets that were not previously in the inventory.

Utilize the data from your previous Excel inventories in the ITHC platform to compare the captured inventory with the existing inventory in your records.

  • Use your previous captures in CSV or Excel to compare inventory results from past inventories with the current one.

  • Speed up capture times by using RFID readers covering a wide area during counting.

  • Recover your investment by finding assets that were not listed in your previous database.


Mujer comprobación de datos en la tableta
Inventario RFID

Maintain the security of your inventory with evidence

The DISCOVERY GEO system allows for the collection of various types of on-site evidence to certify the capture process and its results.


  • GPS location coordinates of the phone, tablet, or device used to take inventory.

  • Photographic capture of damages or new features of the assets.


  • Document changes, novelties, or needs of your field team.


  • Location records of assets on maps.


  • Digital signatures of the responsible individuals for the assets in the area at each shift change.


software para inventario

Historical reports and online reports

Allows you to obtain consolidated and specific reports. You can use the default list of reports or design any new report format you require, based on different criteria such as:


  • Reports by location or areas

  • Asset types, brands, or models

  • By responsible users

  • By types of codes

  • By capture dates, among others.


These reports can be accessed on the interfaces of each administrator user or exported to Excel, txt, or HTML. You can also generate statistical graphs.

Hardware and software monitored from a single point of control

Don't let a single detail of your company's assets slip away.

teléfonos inteligentes

How does your inventory look like?

You take the photo, and immediately the web interface updates with the new data

Software Management

Hardware Management

You can take all the reports with you wherever you go, download them as spreadsheets, or review them directly from the web with total security.


Discovery Geo App: It is installed on Android phones or tablets with a 5MP camera (or higher). The system synchronizes with the server to deliver its inventory data or synchronize modifications in the configuration, either through the corporate network (Wi-Fi) or via an operator data plan.


Discovery Geo Application: It is installed on a physical or virtual server (Windows 8 or higher) and allows for the reception and consolidation of inventories, and then delivers information to all system administrators according to their profile.




Manage your own configuration of assets, locations, lists of employees and responsible personnel, for a completely tailored design for each project.

Leverit Geo



Contact us for a comprehensive consultation

Simply efficient!

Other products

From resource management to process optimization, LeverIT offers multiple solutions for your company.

Discovery leverit
Mesa de ayuda
control corporativo
app seguridad
enfoque empresarial


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LeverIT Soluciones SA de CV Movil1: 55 4264 2733

Mobile2: 5542 93 8089

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