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trabajando desde casa

Work from home with remote connection to corporate devices.

Work peacefully from home without taking risks

Connect securely and quickly from home to your office equipment with a specialized, optimal remote work-focused connection. This ensures smooth navigation, allowing you to carry out your tasks without overloading the company's VPN.

- Transfer files from your PC to the controlled PC and vice versa.


- You don't always have to ask for the password for the PC to control because only you have access to the equipment.


- From a single viewer, you can access different PCs if you know the password.


- No more VPN crashes, the software is optimized and exclusive for remote work.

We have over 15 years of experience in remote work and employees around the world.

Escritorio remoto para windows

Specialized remote desktop for telecommuting

You've probably worked with software that remotely controls computers, but these commercial solutions are limited and expensive when it comes to actually working a full day remotely. That's why Ready EveryWhere was born, to provide you with smooth navigation without VPN congestion.

Work from anywhere in the world

Record your session or view activities on the PC being controlled

Transfer files between computers instantly

Ancla 1
controlar flujos empresariales en pandemia

Receive or create tickets to optimize your time

Notify or resolve incidents from the web to always stay in touch with the IT department in the company.

If your keyboard fails or you need a new mouse, the service center helps you create a channel between the IT department or whoever you need, so you don't delay in solving any incidents that arise while you're at home.

Optimize your response time to prevent losses

Chat with the ticket manager to stay informed

Improve productivity by addressing issues immediately

Imagine being able to help your family and friends remotely

Try our family version where you can remotely access to help your grandmother check her email or see what your children are doing while using the computer.

Your company backed with quality tools.

Abstract Structure
IT Help Center Mesa de ayuda web

Web-based help desk

  • Help them manage tickets, processes, and requirements from the web and anywhere in the world.


  • Address employee work needs with editable service models tailored to the company's requirements.


  • Provide efficient support with remote connection to devices through a web application.


  • Organize their business departments with multi-area models so communication flows smoothly from a single control point.

Rock Formations
Escritorio remoto para windows

Enterprise remote desktop

  • Specialized tool for Telecommuting.


  • Provide security to your clients with connections made using their own servers.


  • No more network congestions for your clients thanks to our Sky Server system.


  • Record session, transfer files, or just view the session. Ideal for companies needing to provide immediate support to devices outside the office.

reunión de negocios

All Discovery Solutions are mutually adaptable

Complement a comprehensive scheme of security and efficiency in business tasks that require it with immediate, adaptable, and tailored tools for any company.

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