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Welcome to our sales map!

In this space, we teach you everything you need to know for the sales pitch.

What do we sell?

Business synergy
composed of:

* Super Techno Corporative
* Performance
* Privacy (Private Servers).

Company presentation
as the headquarters
- Seller's introduction
- 3 philosophies.

1. The company's information must

stay within the company

2. Let machines do binary work and people do intellectual work

3. Win / win.

What do we offer?

- Lifetime support.
- Constant support.


- To have a complete map of the entire IT and non-IT structure to ensure immediate communication with any of its components.

- Automate and unify tasks to save time in all processes that utilize these benefits.

- Formatting, manually checking licenses, or deleting junk information from computers, among others, are tasks that are already obsolete.


- IT asset management.

- Service Desk.

- Physical and technological asset inventory taking.

- SkyNet remote control.

- Mobile device management.


- More time, better performance, and optimization of loads and capital.
- High degree of automation.
- Departments will have an effective solution to their issues without wasting time on outdated tasks.

Information gathering

Listen attentively to the company and identify their 'pain points' (specific issues where we can provide solutions with our tools) in order to effectively achieve a successful sale with that objective.

que vendemos

Details of our products.

We sell Super Technocorporate Connectivity

What do we do?

- Map and structure all corporate assets in a virtual environment.

- Implement a service desk as the single point of contact for resource management, incidents, problems, changes, and requirements.

- Keep the organization's health status updated and prevent potential issues.

How do we do it?



Discovery Geo

Coming soon
Coming soon
nuestros productos

Competence and strengths

What makes us unique.

Why are we the best option?

We use private servers and Private Cloud.

Agile forms to create tickets in 3 steps.

Remote access to stations from any device with a browser.

Agility in installation times in production environment.

Open Source database

50% open source code

Final conclusions

More than a service, we sell a methodology.

We provide a manual for managing company processes quickly and efficiently.

We have a navigator who knows the map of our company in detail, with 24/7 support, and is capable of directly locating the resources involved in the operation of the company.



Arroyo 932 of 6A

Federal capital

Tel. (54) 11 4393 4884


Av. El Dorado # 68C61 Torre Central building, office 831.

Bogota DC


Cell: 300 216 4000 | 317 438 0705 | 317 428 3995


Skype: +1 682 285 2300


LeverIT Soluciones SA de CV Movil1: 55 4264 2733

Mobile2: 5542 93 8089

Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 169 P 11-108, Granada, CP 11520, Mexico, CDMX


Calle las Camelias 891 2nd Floor Urb. Santa Cruz Lima - Lima - San Isidro

Phone: +51 442 30 63

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